April 02, 2013

Genetics of Melanoma

Scientific medical investigations are focusing on genes that may contribute to the development of disease and that may make disease cells resistant to treatment.  Such is the case with melanoma.  As reported in ChemotherapyAdvisor, referring to an recent article published in Science, there are two mutations in gene regulatory regions that together occur in 71% of malignant melanoma tumors.  They are both somatic telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) gene promoter mutations.  Researchers have also found that the presence of the gene TP63, codes for a protein p63, that is associated with a higher risk of death in patients with melanoma.  Many consider the future of medicine as gene therapy.

More of this fascinating research can be found at: www.chemotherapyadvisor.com

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

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