February 27, 2014

Colon Problems in Obese Men

A recent study from Michigan State University, published in PloS One, found that obese men have six times greater likelihood to have multiple colon polyps and tubular adenomas.  Such statistics support the evidence that colonoscopy is recommended for these patients, considering that colon polyps can be associated with cancer of the colon.

Source:  HealthDay News

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

Our Office Culture of Safety

We have carefully arranged our office to create a culture of safety for our patients.  How do we do this? Daily doctor/staff meetings keep everyone on the same page and allow our highly qualified personnel to do their best work.  This facilitates effective teamwork, good communication among the team and with patients, and a willingness to help patients with their unique and individual needs.  Each person understands their own responsibilities and those of the other team members.  Each person is responsible to make sure proper sterile technique is followed--everything that touches the patient is either disposable or autoclaved.  A comprehensive emergency cart is available for medical emergencies.  We have our own automated external defibrillator and are trained to use it.  From the waiting room, to the front desk, through the treatment rooms, and in our prosthetic laboratories, special care is taken to assure patient safety.

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

February 26, 2014

Get The Teeth You Deserve

Do you deserve a Dr. Tupac set of dentures?  Of, course, you do!  If it is time for your first set, or a replacement set, the office of Board Certified Prosthodontist Dr. Robert Tupac provides the most careful, accurate, well fitting and beautiful dentures you can have!  As a specialist, we make impressions of your mouth in a custom fashion, use the most esthetic teeth and make sure they are in the most attractive position for your smile and the support of your lips and cheeks, and make sure your bite is comfortable and you can eat properly.  You get to participate in the process, and the teeth are not finished until you approve of them.  We provide any necessary adjustments at no further charge, and are always available to you.

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

Our Office Is CPR Pro Certified in Advanced Life Support

Our entire office, all personnel, routinely renew their certification in advanced life support.  This entails learning and understanding any new rules and regulations regarding CPR, demonstrating techniques on models and taking and passing a practical and written examination.  When we say we are trained in advanced life support, that includes adult, child and infant CPR, and training with our automated external defibrillator.

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

February 25, 2014

Cholesterol? What You Need To Know


Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in the body and in foods and is carried in the bloodstream by proteins called lipoproteins.  Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), "bad cholesterol," carries cholesterol from the liver to the cells in the body, and too much leads to a buildup in the artery walls.  High-density lipoprotein (HDL), "good cholesterol," carries cholesterol away from the cells and back to the liver to be broken down or passed from the body as waste.

Balance LDL And HDL Levels

Too much bad cholesterol and low levels of good cholesterol can cause increased risk of coronary heart disease and artery diseases, as well as strokes. The trick, then, is to lower the quantity of saturated fat intake to reduce LDL as well as use more monounsaturated fats and soluble fiber to increase HDL cholesterol.

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

Acetaminophen Safety/Dangers

Acetaminophen is the active ingredient in the popular pain-reliever Tylenol.  According to the FDA, formulations that contain more than 325mg of acetaminophen (some formulations have 500mg or 650mg per pill) have not been shown to relieve pain better than lower doses of the medication; and, in addition, high levels of the drug can cause damage to the liver,  the organ responsible for metabolizing the drug.

Acetaminophen is in over 600 medications, most of which are over the counter, and therefore easily injested in amounts that exceed the daily recommended dosage.  Common OTC brands that contain the drug include Benedryl, Excedrin, Nyquil, Robitussin, Theraflu and Vicks.

For adults the limit is 4,000mg daily, but a total of 3,000 daily is better, and those of lower body weight should stay at the lower end of the range. Drinking alcohol causes the liver to convert more of the acetaminophen taken into toxic byproducts.  When taking the drug, men should have no more than two standard drinks per day, women no more than a single drink of alcohol.

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

February 24, 2014

Implants Keep Bone Loss from Occurring and Altering How You Look

We stress implants for a very good reason:  it's the only way to prevent bone loss in your jaw when teeth are missing.  Over time, bone loss distorts your appearance, which is obviously something you don't want and we don't want.  Implants are the best way to keep bone loss from occurring and altering how you look. 

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

President's Panel: Increase HPV Vaccination

Chemotherapy Advisor, via Health Day News, superior sources of current cancer and drug information, reports that the President's Cancer Panel states that too few American girls and boys are getting vaccinated against human papillomavirus (HPV).

Current recommendations from the CDC are detailed at www.chemotherapyadvisor.com.  The Panel states that in creasing HPV vaccination rates to 80% would prevent 53,000 future cervical cancer cases among girls who are currently aged 12 years and younger, and that it would prevent thousands of cases of other HPV-related cancers in both females and males.

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

February 20, 2014

Implants Treat the Disease of Bone Loss

The bone around tooth roots is a special kind of bone:  alveolar bone.  It receives stimulation from the roots of the teeth it encloses.  Alveolar bone is healthy unless subject to inflammation from periodontal (gum) disease, which cause it to recede, or if the forces of chewing are greater than the capacity of the bone to withstand.  The full-mouth series of radiographs above clearly shows some teeth, and some segments of teeth, to have significantly reduced levels of bone.  The one universal truth about alveolar bone is that it resorbs (shrinks) when teeth are removed, because the bone loses its stimulation.  The best thing about dental implants is that they preserve bone.  Placed as soon as possible after tooth loss, the implants stimulate bone in the same way that natural tooth roots used to.  This means that possible dental implants  should ideally be included in treatment planning before teeth are removed.  A CT Scan can be used with dental imaging software to determine the exact location, size and number of implants.  By preserving bone, dental implants counteract the results of tooth loss and aging, and help control facial changes.  They give you the security of knowing things will stay in place when you eat, talk and smile.  They contribute to your comfort, quality of life, and self esteem.

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

Indoor Tanning Hazardous Especially For Young Ages

JAMA Dermatology just recently published a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis, done by the University of California in San Francisco, to assess the international prevalence of exposure to indoor tanning among over 400,000 participants in Australia, Europe and the United States.  They studied the risk for both nonmelanoma skin cancer and for melanoma.

The World Health Organization rates indoor tanning as a group 1 carcinogen with malignant melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer.  The researchers found that the risk of all types of skin cancers was highest in those exposed at young ages, and because indoor tanning is still common among youth, determined indoor tanning to be a major public health issue.

For more detail, see: www.chemotherapyadvisor.com

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

February 19, 2014

Combine Cardio and Strength Training

The idea is to get the most out of your workout in the least amount of time.  A healthy fitness routine combines both cardiovascular exercise and strength training.  The goal is heart strengthening, fat burning, aerobic and muscle toning in your workout, by combining movements and taking little to no time in between.
  • "Burpee": combines resistance and cardiovascular exercise--start standing and then drop into a pushup stance and throwing your feet back, do a pushup and then pull your feet under your chest and jump back into the standing position and clap your hands above your head.  
  • Alternate half minute stints of as many pushups you can do with half minute air punches while jogging in place.
  • Do your normal machines, but do the sets in rapid progression, stopping only to switch machines or positions, so that the rapidity creates an increased heart rate.
By combining strength movements with speed, you create maximum benefit in the least amount of time!

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

E-cigarettes: What and Why?

An e-cigarette is a battery-powered device which simulates tobacco smoking.  They are touted as a smoke-free, safer, more convenient, and socially acceptable alternative to smoking tobacco cigarettes.  Typically, they use a heating element to vaporize a liquid solution that contains nicotine and flavorings, plus other chemicals and potential toxins.

Their safety is being debated.  The CDC believes that there is enough evidence to say they are less harmful than smoking a pack of conventional cigarettes, but has issued warnings because of the lack of regulation of the ingredients.  E-cigarettes are known to contain cancer-causing agents.

While The New England Journal of Medicine reported that the majority of users treat e-cigarettes as a cessation aid for quitting smoking, the World Health Organization is on record saying that their efficacy to aid in smoking cessation has not been demonstrated scientifically.  Furthermore, because they can be ordered online without age verification, there is concern that they may be a "gateway product" for adolescents.

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

February 13, 2014

Thinking About Getting Botox?


Millions of Botox cosmetic procedures are done each year.  This is what  you need to know before getting into it...

What is Botox?  A poison.  It is a purified protein called botulinum toxin type A derived from bacteria.  It temporarily relaxes muscle areas by blocking nerve impulses that trigger contractions, softening wrinkles and modifying expression.  The idea is to use it to not look angry, sad or tired.  A smoothed brow makes it harder to scowl.  Reducing forehead wrinkles and crow's feet make you look younger.  When the injection wears off, the facial muscles return to normal strength, and your face returns to its normal animation.

Side Effect

Common side effects  are short term bruising and swelling.  Rarely, there is a "serum sickness" with flu like symptoms which last a few hours.  Other complications are more rare and go away within two weeks.  The idea of looking three to five years younger can be compelling!  On average, people who regularly get these injections do so two or three times per year.

As with any delicate facial procedure, before doing so get a sense of how long the doctor has been administering Botox.

Source:  Best Health Magazine

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

17-year Implant Bridge Success

Today I had the privilege of seeing a 63 year old patient I treated 17 years ago.  She had her teeth removed when she was 20 years old, and for the last 30 years before I treated her had been unable to wear a lower denture.  She was very thin, had digestive problems due to a poor diet and had become a recluse because she was reluctant to leave the house and be out in public with a collapsed face. We placed four lower implants and, according to the original Branemark protocol, fabricated a mandibular fixed implant supported bridge.  Now she dances three nights per week and has a healthy glow about her.  She joked that she has to watch her weight because she can eat anything on the menu.

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

February 12, 2014

Prosthodontic Treatment of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea symptoms

Diagnosis for sleep apnea can be made on the basis of signs and symptoms or an evaluation may be made by a sleep specialist.  A "sleep study" (nocturnal polysomnography) at a sleep disorder center involves monitoring of your heart, lung and brain activity, breathing patterns, arm and leg movements, and blood oxygen levels while you sleep.  Sometimes simplified tests may be used at home with portable devices to measure heart rate, blood oxygen level, airflow and breathing patterns, to show drops in oxygen level during apneas and subsequent rises with awakenings.  

Mild cases of obstructive sleep apnea are typically addressed with lifestyle changes:  weight loss to relieve throat constriction, avoiding alcohol or CNS depressants, quitting smoking, sleeping on your side or stomach rather than your back, or using a saline nasal spray to help keep nasal passages open.  If obstructive sleep apnea does not respond to lifestyle changes, or is moderate to severe, additional therapies or surgery are employed. 

Sleep apnea treatment

Therapies include:  CPAC--continuous positive airway pressure--a machine that delivers air pressure through a mask placed over your nose while you sleep.  The pressure is greater than that of the surrounding air and is just enough to keep upper airway passages open and prevent apnea and snoring.  It is the preferred method of treating apnea and a comfortable and secure fit may require some adjustment.  BPAP--bilevel positive airway pressure--devices adjust pressures for both inhaling and exhaling.  Oral appliances--these devices are designed to keep the throat open by bringing the lower jaw forward.  We provide these types of appliances in our prosthodontic practice.  

Surgery:  UPPP--uvulopalatopharyngoplasty--removal of tonsils, adenoids and the part of the soft palate that hangs down.  This type of surgery helps to stop throat structures from vibrating and causing snoring.  Maxillomandibular advancement--a procedure to move the jaw forward from the facial bones to enlarge the space behind the tongue and soft palate.  This may require further oral surgery and orthodontic treatment.  Surgical procedures to treat snoring--laser removal of the uvula, for example, aren't usually recommended as sole treatments for obstructive sleep apnea.  

Source:  Mayo Clinic 

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

Compliance In Taking Medication Is A Problem

The statistics are alarming:
  • one-quarter of all patients never fill prescriptions at all
  • 10% decide not to fill them because the doctor hasn't explained how the drug will help
  • of those who fill prescriptions, 50% do not take the medications correctly because they misunderstood the instructions
  • of patients with chronic illness, 30% to 85% decide not to refill their prescriptions because they don't know how the drug is helping them, or don't know how to manage a side effect
  • patients usually do not tell their doctors they are not taking their medication

If you are concerned that your medications no longer seem to be effective, ask your doctor if there are new medications that can help, or of the dosage needs to be changed.

Source: www.lupus.org

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

February 11, 2014

Sealants Prevent Decay At All Ages

Causes of Tooth Decay 

In the United States, approximately 41% of children have decay in their baby teeth, and 42% ages 6-19 have decay in permanent teeth.  Decay on the chewing surfaces of molars (primary and permanent) represent the vast majority of cavities and chewing surfaces of teeth are the place where pit and fissure sealants are the easiest to apply and the most effective.

Sealants Reduce Tooth Decay

Decay reductions of up to 90% have been reported with the use of pit and fissure sealants when recall appointments and maintenance were included.  Sealants are more effective than just the application of topical fluoride.  They can halt the progression of incipient decay lesions. Pit and fissure sealants can be placed on permanent teeth of patients at-risk for decay, independent of the age of the patient.

Source: Dr. Fiona Collins, www.dentallearning.net

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

Time To Replace That Old Bridge?

As a Board Certified Prosthodontist, and with our in-house laboratory, we use the most advanced techniques and materials to make your fixed bridgework both esthetic and functional.

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

February 10, 2014

What To Eat With Dentures?

How to enjoy food with your dentures!

Since gums were never intended to withstand the same chewing forces that natural teeth can, it may be necessary for people who wear dentures to modify food choices and preparation techniques in order to maintain a healthy diet.

Studies have shown that tooth loss can be associated with a poor-quality diet, and changes in chewing ability can alter nutritional intake.

Here are some strategies for maintaining nutritional intake with dentures:  
  • choose diets that are adequate in vitamins,  minerals and fiber from fresh (cut) fruits and cooked (softer) vegetables
  • decrease consumption of foods rich with simple sugars
  • eating moist foods or sipping liquids to facilitate chewing is helpful
  • balancing your bite by eating smaller amounts on both sides of the mouth at the same time makes things more manageable

By identifying foods that you may be avoiding, you may find new ways to modify how to eat things to include other foods to ensure a healthy diet.

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

When Retreatment Is Necessary

For a healthy individual with good oral hygiene, dental implants are predictably successful and survival rates above 90-95% are reported.  This patient reported he was not comfortable wearing an upper denture, so he had four dental implants placed with a screw-retained prosthesis.  Unfortunately, he was not in good health, being a diabetic, having untreated hepatitis-C, and chronic sinusitis.  On a temporary basis, he now wears a temporary denture that holds onto the remaining single implant as his health status improves.  After that, we will examine and discuss his treatment options and alternatives.

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

February 06, 2014

Age Appropriate Care

This patient is 97 years old.  His teeth don't look great, there's a lot of stain, discoloration, arrested decay and worn fillings and crowns.  However, he's got great bone, healthy gums, and his teeth are going to last the rest of his life.  God bless him!

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

If Your Gums Look Like This, You Need....

If your gums look like this, you need treatment.  In this situation, the difference between the tissue disease around the six front teeth--porcelain jacket crowns--and the tissue health around the back teeth is very apparent.  This inflammation and bone loss--called periodontitis--requires both tissue therapy and replacement of the existing crowns, so that harmonious crown contours can be constructed, especially below the gumline, that facilitate effective oral hygiene of the tissues after they have been appropriately treated and healed.

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

February 05, 2014

Time To Replace That Old Crown?

As a Board Certified Prosthodontist, using today's most advanced techniques and materials, we can do better in matching existing natural teeth!  If it is time to replace that old crown, give us a call.

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

When A Partial Is The Right Thing To Do

Removable partial dentures replace missing teeth for millions of Americans.  They are long-lasting, hygienic appliances that are indicated in many prosthodontic situations.  If you look closely at this lady's teeth, you can see that her front four teeth are on her partial, but when she smiles and speaks, you can't even tell!

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

February 04, 2014

Upgrade Your Smile with Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a simple, effective and beautiful way to create a new smile!  Your smile is the first thing others see and is a critical way you present yourself.  The porcelain veneers above show how a conservative approach can make an enormous improvement.

Dr. Tupac helped develop a special laboratory technique for making these veneers and lectured to the California Dental Association Annual Meeting for five years in a row in the early 1980's, teaching other dentists how to do them.  He returned to the CDA meeting with a presentation in 1999 to report on their long term success.  He continues to provide them in his private practice, using the most advanced materials and techniques available today.

Much has been said that being pleased with your smile increases self esteem and self confidence.  It was once said: "Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it."

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

Immediate Single Tooth Implant

When one of your upper front teeth has to come out, immediate replacement and maintaining your same appearance is of utmost importance.  This patient's root fractured underneath an existing crown.  The crown was taken off and preserved, and the root fragment removed.  Fortunately, a dental implant was able to be placed immediately in the existing socket and residual bone.  The implant, measured with the Osstell device showed an adequate initial implant stability quotient to have a tooth placed on it immediately.  An abutment was fashioned for the implant the the existing crown used as a temporary to maintain the patient's preoperative appearance.  The immediate single tooth implant procedure is highly successful and if you need this type of treatment, this is a service we provide on a regular basis.

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

February 03, 2014

Is Your Cosmetic Dentist A Prosthodontist?

As a member of the American College of Prosthodontists and a Board Certified Prosthodontist, our mission is to create longer lasting, more beautiful and functional solutions for you.  Prosthodontists are unique among specialists in dentistry because they receive training in advanced diagnosis and treatment planning, treatment procedures and techniques, laboratory techniques, and are committed to using the most advanced technologies available to help you with your dental needs.

Contrary to popular opinion and claims of some dentists, "cosmetic dentistry" is not a specialty in dentistry. Any dentist can advertise as being a cosmetic dentist, but that designation does not require any advanced training and is not recognized by the American Dental Association.  Certainly, there are many talented general dentists who provide highly esthetic treatment.  If you want a true specialist in cosmetic dentistry, see your board certified prosthodontist.

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309

Baby Boomers: Your New Denture Is A Facelift

Teeth vs Denture

People with their natural teeth have all the esthetic advantages over denture patients.  Their jaws are fully developed and their back teeth maintain the height of their bite, therefore keeping the height of the lower third of their face in proportion with their midface and forehead.  Their front teeth supply the lips and corners of their mouth with support.

Bone Loss

When you lose your teeth, all that changes.  The removal of teeth results in loss of half of the bone that supported them in two years or less!  Patients say their gums shrink, but it is really the bone underneath their gums that is receding.  The upper jawbone shrinks up and back, and the front teeth of an upper denture move in the same direction, causing loss of lip support, deteriorating muscle tone and more wrinkles.  The lower jawbone shrinks down and back, and the lower front teeth recede accordingly.  The upper and especially the lower jaws in the back shrink also, and the height of the bite of the dentures becomes "closed."  All of these changes create that characteristic "denture look"--one of facial collapse.  For the denture wearer, looking in the mirror daily, it isn't as noticeable (like watching your hair go gray), but the changes are dramatic and can best be seen in photographs over time.

If this has happened to you, then you are ready for your facelift with a new set of dentures.  A new set of dentures will recapture the height of your bite, place the front teeth where the natural ones used to be in order to reestablish lip and cheek support, eliminate wrinkles. and make the lower third of your face more in proportion with the rest of your face.  The new set of dentures is what makes those looking at you unable to know you wear dentures!

We love to do create new, younger looks for our denture patients!

Robert G. Tupac, DDS, FACP, Inc., Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics (661) 325-1275 | www.drtupac.com 5060 California Ave., #170, Bakersfield, CA 93309